Reminder: Changes to Strike off Regime and Restoration Process in BVI – Transitional period ends 30 June 2023

The BVI Business Companies (Amendment) Act introduced changes to the strike off regime and restoration process that may impact your BVI company. Specifically, these changes affect BVI companies that were struck off after 1 July 2016 and before 1 January 2023, and that have not yet been dissolved.

If you have any such existing struck off companies that you may need to restore, it is recommended that you take action now to avoid the costly, complicated, and potentially lengthy process of restoration through a Court application.

Private Equity as an Asset Class

As an administrator, we use our experience to help managers and investors alike in understanding the complexities of the private equity space. We understand that not all investors are familiar with this asset class, making it a challenging proposition to investors who are otherwise more accustomed to the liquidity, information flow and timing associated with the public market. We that find our knowledge around effective performance metrics is helpful to new managers and investors navigating the area and have produced a short explainer for those new to the asset class.

Hong Kong Companies Ordinance: Reduction of capital

The Companies Ordinance (Cap 622) (CO) introduced a company-led court-free process for reduction of share capital in 2014.  This followed in the wake of the removal of the requirement for companies to have an authorised capital, which in turn followed a trend globally of removing restrictions in the handling of company capital that has swept up major common law countries such as the UK and Australia.