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Private Equity as an Asset Class

23 May 2023


Explainer: Private Equity as an Asset Class

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Private Equity as an Asset Class

Private equity (PE) as an asset class (including single investment structures and venture capital) has the potential to generate sustained, long-term outperformance for its investors.

As an administrator, we use our experience to help managers and investors alike in understanding the complexities of the PE space. We understand that not all investors are familiar with this asset class, making it a challenging proposition to investors who are otherwise more accustomed to the liquidity, information flow and timing associated with the public market. We that find our knowledge around effective performance metrics is helpful to new managers and investors navigating the area.

We have put together this short explainer for those new to the asset class covering:

Key Features of Private Equity

Defining features of PE include:

As a consequence of these unique features, it is not a straightforward exercise for an investor to benchmark their PE holdings against those of other asset classes. To cater for this, alternative metrics have been adopted to give investors the greatest possible understanding of their PE performance compared to that of their other asset classes.

Comparing PE with Public Equity Portfolios

Stakeholders may wish to compare PE funds’ performances with that of more traditional asset classes.  Unfortunately, it is not that simple.  Unlike listed or traded instruments, much of PE’s performance reporting relies on interim valuations of unlisted and illiquid investments, making precise “mark-to-market” impossible.   Further, unlike public markets where building a diversified portfolio is standard practice, diversification is not generally an objective for PE.

PE Performance Measurement

Performance in PE investing is traditionally measured via (i) the internal rate of return (IRR) which captures a Fund’s time-adjusted return, and (ii) multiple of money (MoM) (also known as multiple on invested capital (MOIC)), which captures return on invested capital. Only once all investments have been exited and the capital returned to LPs, will the final return determine the Fund or SIS’s standing amongst its peers.

Let us take a look at the industry standard metrics employed by GPs and LPs to arrive at a meaningful assessment of a Fund’s success.

Internal Rate of Return

The IRR is a metric used to measure and compare returns on an investment. IRR calculates the return by including all of the cash flows from the investment over a given period, taking into account drawdowns, distributions (such as capital gains), income (through dividends), and valuation of residual value. IRRs are most often used by the PE industry to measure returns, because they offer a means of comparing two investments with irregular timings and sizes of cash flows. They are, unfortunately, a measure that is not directly comparable to the buy and hold returns that can be found in the public markets.

A quick summary:

Some shortcomings to be aware of:

Money Multiples

A private equity Fund’s MoM or MOIC provides a cash-on-cash measure of how much investors are receiving. They are calculated by dividing the value of the returns by the amount of money invested. Two multiples that are typically reported by Funds are (i) distribution to paid-in capital (DPI) and (ii) total value to paid-in capital (TVPI), which differ in terms of whether or not they include residual value to paid-in ratio (RVPI). In summary, TVPI = RVPI + DPI.

Multiples are often used in the PE industry as they offer an easy way to show the scale of the returns an investment has given. While the IRR provides useful ways of showing returns from an investment, they cannot provide a scale of returns without knowing the length of time of the fund. Multiples, however, offer a fast and easy way to show this, and when used in conjunction with the IRR, can paint a quick and clear picture of a Fund’s performance. It is convention in the industry to show TVPI and DPI on a net basis.

Uses and strengths:



The widely used IRR and MoM return measures are effective metrics, however it would be fair to say that each has its own flaws inherent in the difficulty in measuring PE performance.

No single measurement represents the right or wrong way of measuring the performance of PE and venture capital investments. Investors and fund managers may find that different combinations of these metrics will work best for them in assessing their PE and venture capital investments, and that they are best placed to take a view on this.

The relationship between the absolute and the market-adjusted performance measures is summarised here:

Rate of ReturnTotal Return
Absolute ReturnIRRMoM (TVPI)

Marbury Fund Services

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