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Hong Kong Publications
See below for Hong Kong publications issued by Marbury
Is the Travel Pass as good as a Hong Kong Employment Visa?
1 August 2024
To evaluate options for living and working in Hong Kong, it is crucial to understand the distinct differences between the Hong Kong Travel Pass and the Employment Visa, as each caters to different needs and provides varying rights and limitations.
We consider the options available to foreigners when planning to travel to Hong Kong for work purposes.
Marbury at the Hong Kong Sevens 2024
11 April 2024
Over the 5-7 April weekend Marbury hosted close to 100 clients and friends of Marbury, and Marbury founder, Duncan Smith, at the Hong Kong Sevens – the premier tournament on the World Rugby Sevens Series. As we finally recover after the exhilarating weekend, we at Marbury want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all […]
Hong Kong: Audited financial statements required to be submitted with the Profit Tax return for 2022/23
10 July 2023
In a recent circular to tax representatives by the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (the IRD), it was underlined that the IRD no longer exempts the submission requirements of supporting documents from the year of assessment 2022/23, except for dormant companies or overseas companies which are not required to carry out statutory audit in the respective jurisdiction.
Hong Kong Companies Ordinance: Reduction of capital
11 May 2023
The Companies Ordinance (Cap 622) (CO) introduced a company-led court-free process for reduction of share capital in 2014. This followed in the wake of the removal of the requirement for companies to have an authorised capital, which in turn followed a trend globally of removing restrictions in the handling of company capital that has swept up major common law countries such as the UK and Australia.
Payroll and HR obligations for Hong Kong employers
30 March 2023
Although Hong Kong is very business-friendly and constantly ranked among the top countries for its ease of doing business, when it comes to HR and payroll compliance, most foreign owned companies and start-up businesses find employer and employee compliance burdensome. This is often due to the limited resources available in time and funds. Hiring an employee early on solely for the administration of personnel matters for a small team can rarely justify the expense. However, the consequences of an oversight and the resulting potential non-compliance with labour laws and related regulations can be severe. In this short guide, we will highlight the most common issues business owners and directors should keep in mind.
The importance of compliance with AML requirements across jurisdictions
16 March 2023
Regulators are taking firm action again non-compliance with AML and CFT regulations as highlighted by these recent enforcement cases in Hong Kong and BVI.
Hong Kong Budget 2023-24
1 March 2023
Hong Kong’s Financial Secretary, Paul Chan, outlined his budget for 2023-24 in his Budget Address on 22 February 2023. Highlights of some measures of particular interest to Hong Kong companies and those with business interests in Asia, are set out below.
Dormancy of a Hong Kong Limited Company
27 February 2023
When clients find that they no longer need their Hong Kong company they would naturally like to reduce their Company-related costs. With our clients’ best interests in mind, Marbury would usually recommend that the Company be formally deregistered in order to prevent future liabilities. However, if there is a chance that the Company may be needed at a later stage, you may consider declaring the Company dormant.
Deregistration of a Hong Kong Limited Company
24 February 2023
When at the end of its useful life, deregistration is an easy and inexpensive procedure to close a Hong Kong defunct solvent company, and to prevent future liabilities to the Company and its officers. We have prepared a short overview of the process here.
Incorporation of a Hong Kong Limited Company
23 February 2023
The most common form of business entity incorporated in Hong Kong is a company limited by shares, or simply, a Limited Company. View our overview of this popular structure here.