

The Companies (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance 2018

18 February 2019

Hong Kong

The Companies (Amendment) (No. 2) Ordinance 2018 (the Amendment Ordinance) has been introduced to streamline the administration of Hong Kong companies and facilitate compliance and came into force on 1 February 2019[1].


The new Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) (CO), which commenced operation in March 2014, provides for a modern statutory framework for the incorporation and operation of companies in Hong Kong. The Amendment Ordinance introduces revisions to the CO and its subsidiary legislations to incorporate new developments, clarify existing CO provisions and further facilitate business activities in Hong Kong.

Key revisions

The major revisions under the Amendment Ordinance include: updating accounting-related provisions, rationalising corporate reporting obligations, and modifying certain procedural and technical requirements regulating local companies and non-Hong Kong companies.

The amendments mostly relate to audited reports or are very minor and / or form part of Marbury’s existing operating procedures in the provision of company secretarial services to Hong Kong companies. However would like to highlight the following:

Display of company names for non-Hong Kong companies

Streamlining and clarifying provisions to facilitate compliance:

A summary of the key amendments can be found here in the original circular provided by Companies Register.

If you have any further queries or would like to enquire about Marbury’s Company Secretarial services, please contact your usual Marbury representative or info@marburys.com.


[1] Apart from amendments to sections 792 and schedule 7 of the CO which relate to the disclosure requirements of non-Hong Kong companies and the related offence and which will commence later.


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